- Integration of migrant and refugee data in health information systems in Europe: advancing evidence, policy and practice
- Covid-19 and refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants in Greece
- COVID-19 data gaps and lack of transparency undermine pandemic response
- COVID-19 Pandemic and Vaccine Imperialism
- COVID-19 vaccination roll-out and uptake among refugees and migrants in Greece: a retrospective analysis of national vaccination routine data
- Essential public healthcare services utilisation and excess non-COVID-19 mortality in Greece
- Fiscal federalism vs fiscal decentralization in healthcare: a conceptual framework
- Impact of economic recessions on healthcare workers and their crises’ responses: study protocol for a systematic review of the qualitative and quantitative evidence for the development of an evidence-based conceptual framework
- International Trade and Health Care in Brazil: An Unpredicted Tale Threatening Health Care Entitlement?
- Mind The Gap: Data availability, accessibility, transparency, and credibility during the COVID-19 pandemic, an international comparative appraisal
- Pandemic’s Experience Questioning Capitalistic Dominance
- Perceived risk and pandemic response awareness in low-capacity public primary health care in Greece
- Scientific Reports: Comparing the COVID-19 pandemic in space and over time in Europe, using numbers of deaths, crude rates and adjusted mortality trend ratios
- The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Private Health Sector: Profiting without Socially Contributing
- The Effects of Health Sector Fiscal Decentralisation on Availability, Accessibility, and Utilisation of Healthcare Services: A Panel Data Analysis
- The impact of COVID-19 on migrants in Greece: a retrospective analysis of national data
- The impact of economic recessions on health workers: a systematic review and best-fit framework synthesis of the evidence from the last 50 years
- The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on refugees and asylum seekers in Greece: A retrospective analysis of national surveillance data from 2020